Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Scratch that... and I Cubs

Ignore half of my previous post. Kayson still is moving to a different POD at daycare, however, his "schedule" will be very similar to what he's doing now... he will still have 2 naps a day, but will just be doing more learning and developmental things. I'm pleased. ha. Mostly because Momma is not ready for him to grow up! ha. I talked with the Owner at daycare today, just to get a better idea of what we should expect with the POD change, etc... and I mentioned the 1 nap thing and she looked at me like I was crazy! So that's all settled!

Tonight we went to an I Cubs game for Ryan's work. We had a great time... good food, actually I ate WAY TOO MUCH. I was hungry when we got there, so I pretty much inhaled everything in sight. Now I'm miserable! But overall we had a good time. We scooted out early, but I believe it was going to be a win. Miss Meghan watched Kayson tonight for us. He could have cared less when we walked out the door tonight... sad, but really good that he's that comfortable with Miss Meghan (even for only seeing her a hand full of times over the past 3 months or so). What a good boy.

I'm off to bed - TIRED!

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