Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sleepless Nights & Forgetful

We've had some sleepless nights around here... Kayson just is not happy... Monday he had a low grade fever, so he was sent home from daycare. Tuesday the fever was gone, but now we think it's moved to teeth - Ryan seems to think it's his back teeth or just one tooth... how do you know!? It's so hard! We were up pretty much all night last night... about every 2 hours, I would rub some Orajel on his gums... that would seem to ease the screaming and tears for about an hour or so... He's just so restless and he's tired... and I feel horrible for him. I sometimes feel like a bad Mom when there isn't much we can do when he's so unhappy.

When we have days/weeks like this... I'm becoming more and more forgetful. Lack of sleep and worrying about your child obviously will do that to a person. I forget what I did last night... I forget what I did an hour ago... I forget to call someone back to cancel plans or make plans... I forget to watch a show that I normally do... I forget a lot. That's not like me at all - I have most everything written down on a calendar at home and my calendar on my phone... but that doesn't seem to cut it lately! Somehow I'll get back to being better with remembering things. I wonder how much I'll forget this weekend when we head to Creston for Easter!!! I better start my list now!

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