Monday, July 22, 2019


Wow, another weekend has passed...  I say this all the time, but ever since July 4th, things have went faster and summer seems to be closing soon.  It's making me sad!!

I had a meeting out at church...  talking Sunday School and such.  It was a great meeting...  got lots of things decided, so we'll try it and see.  Ryan and the kids got supper, and then went to Lifetime pool.  It was a miserably hot day, so the pool was a good choice for them. 

This and that in the am...  then the kids have been asking to go miniature golfing...  again, too hot, so Kayson suggested Glow Golf - indoor place.  We tried that.  It was fine...  kids had fun, something different to do.  We grabbed lunch, then back home.  Cora had a birthday party to go to... which she had a ton of fun.  It was a painting party - they did canvas painting, and she did so good!  She's really a little artist, which I love.  While she was there, I got groceries...  and putzed around at home.  

Saturday night, a few baseball moms were planning to get together - supper, simple...  we did supper at a yummy Mexican restaurant, then headed to a bar and played a card game.  I had a good time... but not going to lie - by 9pm, I was yawning and ready to go home!  ha.  We had a nice time... such good people. 

Church, which was really good.  It's General Assembly here in DSM for the Disciples of Christ, so we had a guest minister that did the sermon, and just nice to have some extra people in the church...  

We then just fiddled around at home...  were pretty quiet, which was nice.  Then Kayson had a basketball try out - for the Waukee Boys Travel Team.  I'm not sure if he'll make the team - they only take 10!!  So...  he's gotta do his best.  He said he did well, and so did Ryan... so we'll see.  He'll try out again next Sunday.  

Then JeanAnn came to hang with the kids while Ryan and I went to the Home Show Expo here in Waukee.  Oh man, it was so cool to walk through those beautiful, huge homes.  I really enjoyed myself.  That took a couple hours, then Ryan and I grabbed supper out.  A little day date.  The kids and Grandma went to Toy Story 4 at the theater, and then just hung out.  Thanks to her for that. 

It was a good weekend...  always busy, and always fast.  

This week the kids have VBS at Hope in Waukee...  Should be another busy one!

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