Wednesday, July 24, 2019

"My stomach hurts..."

For weeks... possibly months, I feel I've had some sort of stomach ache off and on.  Some days I have no signs of achy or pain, but some days, I'm in a ton of pain.  Over the past week, I've been miserable.  I'm not the most laid back person, I get worked up, I am a nervous nelly (as some would call me)...  and I just plain worry.  But in the end, last week - I was super uncomfortable and super frustrated. 

So... I saw the doctor. 
Last Thursday afternoon - doc was seen... explained all sorts of things to him, and him back to me.  He pushed and pushed on my abdomen - checking my gall bladder, liver, lower abs, and my stomach.  Well - when he pushed on my stomach, I about came up off the table.  Very painful. 

Blood work was done.  Results were - my liver enzymes were ok, but my pancreatic enzymes were elevated. 

I was given a prescription to 'help settle my stomach'.  

Then this Monday I had an abdominal ultrasound done.  Wow - never had that before - and it was a long process.  That tech took (what I thought) hundreds of pictures of my middle, left and right abdomen...  

Yesterday I received the results - "all normal".  Now - don't get me wrong, I'm glad that it's good news, however, I'm super frustrated that I still am uncomfortable and from time to time look (and feel) like I am 5 months pregnant.  NO JOKE. 

So...  I've decided I'm going to just continue with the prescription and the other things the doctor told me to try...  I'll try to do a better job of watching what I eat (but have never, ever done that... and really don't want to start now!).  So we'll see.  I've said so many darn prayers about this... and the outcome is good, but again - still in some pain and frustrated... 

More to come... maybe. 

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