Sunday, June 30, 2019

State Baseball tournament

What an amazing season we've had with the new team!!
Like I pointed out in the wedding post - state baseball fell on the same weekend of Hope & Logan's wedding.  I mean, we can't plan that out.  BUMMER!  BUT we figured it out...  Kayson only had to miss ONE game of the SIX, so I'd say we did pretty good.  We are all absolutely exhausted - but it's done!!

Friday - 2 games - and 2 wins!  The boys played great... was super fun.

Saturday - 2 games - and 2 wins!  Kayson missed the 2nd game.  But the first game he had 3 RBIs!!  I hated that I actually missed that in person! 

Sunday - 2 games - and 1 win.  The first game of the day... we didn't play well.  We couldn't field the ball... we couldn't hit the ball pass the pitcher!!  It just was not good!!!  BUT the 2nd game - playing for 3rd place ... we did great - things were clicking, and we won!!  Kayson did great - 1 RBI, and he even pitched!!  He did great... under a little pressure, and things got nerve racking at the end, but the team came through with a win!  Oh we were so excited!!!

3rd place out of 85 teams!!!! (Elite bracket)

We are all so proud of these boys... they've come a long way, improved in so many different ways, and became friends!  I'm super proud of Kayson in particular - obviously!  He's just grown so much...  shown some good aggression, shown some passion, and just done well. 

Following the games, we all got out of the terrible heat and met up for a super late lunch at Los Tres Amigos.  Always a nice time there... slow, but good to sit and chat with the families. 

I can't believe the 3 months of baseball is over... done!!  We've had so much fun getting to know the parents, and they are amazing.  The coaches are great - straight laced, but very firm and passionate about the game and the kids.  Pretty tough job coaching a bunch of 10 year olds!!  ha  Overall - I feel we hit the jackpot with this team and I honestly can't wait til next year!  It's always a lot, but it's totally worth it!!!

All of Kayson's 'goods' from the season!!!

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