Sunday, June 30, 2019

Hope & Logan get married!!!

We have been waiting about 10 months for the big wedding day of Hope and Logan!!  Saturday, June 29 was the day... the big day...  to be mixed in with a big thing called State Baseball for Kayson!  YIKES!  There was some stress with this... I worried like crazy, but in the end, it all worked out. 

Anyway, Friday afternoon the festivities began.  Trish and everyone did a bunch of stuff Thursday and Friday, but I didn't go help due to baseball...  so Cora and I headed up to Clarion Friday afternoon after baseball.

Friday night -
Rehearsal and supper.
Everything went well - we got all our duties and had a nice time.  Cora and the other flower girl made fast friends (which was amazing), and they practiced awesomely!  I was thrilled.  She seemed excited, and ready.  After rehearsal, we went for dinner at a restaurant uptown...  nice, easy.  Then we went and met up with some of my AZ family at a brewery in town.  Cora was super hot and tired, but we needed to make an appearance...  it was a quick stop, but fun to see them.

Friday night we decided to stay at Jill's...  just cuz it was in town and easy to run back and forth if need be.  We slept terrible.  Ugh. 

Saturday -
Cora was up at 5:45.  I mean - seriously, she's never been up that early in her entire life!!! 

We passed the time... she played with a few toys that Jill had...  I went out to the cemetery to talk with Mom, missing her bad.  Then it was time to spend time with Hope and her girls.  We went up to the hair salon and had a super fun time up there... just sitting and chatting most of the morning.  Ashley did Cora's makeup and hair - and Cora was in heaven!!  Super fun.

From there, I got ready really quick... then off to the church for the start of Hope getting ready and pictures, and all the wedding prep things!  Everything went super well... and smooth. It was just super, brutally hot!!!!  Thank goodness for air and being inside!

Ryan and K arrived around 1:30/2:00, which worked out well.

The wedding went super well, and Pastor Bill's message was spot on... always perfect with that guy.  He's great.

And most importantly (I'm joking) - Cora did awesome at the flower girl role!!  Her and Evelyn did so great - walked down perfectly, smiling and throwing their little 'circles'.  It was darling!  I'm super proud of her!! 

Then... the tired set in.  It was like Cora was --- "I'm done. I did my job, and I'm done!!"  She became super tired... and whiny... and all the tired things.  Poor kid.  Ryan and I were one of the Host & Hostess, so we had lots to do at the reception...   Cora did ok... once we were there and things were happening... but she still was kind of a hot mess. 

Kayson was SUPER tired... so shortly after eating, Ryan took him out to the farm to bed (about 8:30ish).  I felt bad that he was missing out on dancing, etc... and that Ryan was missing too.  But it's just what we had to do. 

Cora and I stayed a little longer... she danced a little, and did really well... but then about 9:20, she hit a wall - and said "can we go?"  So... off we went.  Again, felt bad to leave and miss... but it's just us... Hope and Logan had a great day, so that's all that mattered.

It was great - I'm super happy for Hope and Logan... they'll have a blessed life together.


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