Monday, April 29, 2019

Weekend - Baseball Tournament & Hope's Bridal Shower

This was a free night... no baseball, nothing.  It seems like it's been forever since we had a free night...  so we took advantage of it.  I cooked.  A meal.  ha.  Then we went out to the church to get a few things done...  and then we got ice cream.  Pretty good night... 
We woke to TERRIBLE cold, rainy weather.  It was a baseball day...  and no one was looking forward to it!  (which is unfortunate). 
We had the morning pretty much 'free'... so we hung out, did a few things around the house, then headed out.  The boys sucked it up and played fairly well, with a win... but those kids were exhausted after game one and FREEZING.  Cora and I went to the truck mid way through the game.  It was just terrible.  No fun for anyone.
Luckily the second game was cancelled... so we headed out and the whole team decided to go out for lunch/supper (whatever it was at 4:00 in the afternoon!)  Mickey's is one of our sponsors, so we went there...  ate, and had a pretty good time.  We were all still cold tho!  ha. 
Saturday night we got home... cleaned up and just relaxed.  Around 7:30 or so Cora started complaining that she wasn't feeling well.  Said her tummy hurt.  She had color to her, no fever...  but just looked pretty wiped out.  She never threw up, just said her tummy hurt.  She got to bed... and slept all night and was perfectly fine Sunday morning.
We were all up early, for some reason!  It was another cold morning... and our baseball games got pushed back a couple hours.  So we all went to Sunday School, cuz we hadn't been in weeks.  Then we got back home...  Ryan and Kayson headed back out to baseball.  Another cold day, just not wet.  Cora and I headed out to Clarion for Hope's bridal shower.  What a day.
Baseball didn't go well...  it was a loss, so they were done around 1:30 or so... 
The bridal shower went well...  was a pretty good turnout, and Hope enjoyed herself.  It was a quick hour or so for the actual shower, then we sat around and chatted for a little while, getting back on the road about 5.  Long day. 
And then again, around bedtime, Cora complained she didn't feel well... same symptoms/complaining as Saturday night...  She went to bed well, and slept all night... waking fine this morning.  :(  If we get through today... then my gut feeling is she was exhausted.  This is probably a sign that we need to slow down a little and not push things/or her on weekends...  We need to watch Kayson too... just so he doesn't get too wiped out either. 
Anyway... super busy and exhausting...  Monday came too fast, and I want to be at home!

1 comment:

  1. This little girls legs are just amazing! I would lick them from top to bottom.
