Monday, April 22, 2019

Easter Weekend 2019

My weekend started Thursday night!  PFG honors Good Friday as a holiday, and it's the best!  The kids went to school - Cora actually had a field trip to the Science Center (in which she said was amazing).  I spent the morning doing errands... literally for 4 hours... just running here and there.  Then I went out to Adel and met Lacey for lunch, then we went out to her new house for a tour!  They haven't moved in yet, but soon... it will be beautiful!!  I'm excite for them.
Friday afternoon I did a few more errands... then got the kiddos.
Friday night Kayson had a baseball game...  great night/weather, and a good close game.  It was fun to watch the kids, and hang with the parents again. 
Friday after the game, Kayson, Hud, and Carter went to Caleb's for his birthday party/sleepover...  man, our kid is popular, and busy.  The kids had fun.
Sis slept in, which was great...  I got some things done in the morning... laundry and just prepping for the weekend.  I got Kayson picked up about 11ish... he had a good time.  Ryan mowed the lawn for the first time...  crazy to think we just had snow.  Again, time is going too fast...
Then about 1:00, we got on the road to Clarion for Easter.  We haven't spent Easter in Clarion for at least 2 years, and it was time we did.  Once we got to town, we just hung out... went to the park and played, which was fun for the kids, and the adults.  Then we all went out for supper at a near by town...  nice supper, was pretty good.  Cora was a little owly tho.
We got the kids to bed at a pretty decent time Saturday night... and then the rest of us hit the sack too.  We were tired.  But a nice visit with everyone.
Happy Easter!!
We all got up... headed to church.  It was so nice being in my hometown church again.  It seems like forever since we've been there, especially for church, since we are so involved in our own church!  But it was great... 
Jill and Jeff hosted Easter lunch...  super yummy.  The kids were pretty good...  they get bored, but we did an Easter egg hunt, which Cora loved.  Kayson on the other hand - he said he may be getting too old for this!  That breaks my heart. He definitely is changing... that's for sure. 
Anyway, we hung out there for awhile... then got on the road about 3:30 to head back home. 
It was a nice weekend in Clarion... we haven't done that in a long time.  Now it's back to busy weeks... and more busy weekends.  Oh my goodness - so many baseball tournaments, bridal stuff for Hope, graduation stuff for the twins and Ed.  Wow.  It'll be July before we know it, cuz the next 3 months will fly by.
Our family (minus Ashley) with Pastor Bill
Love this new sign at my hometown church

Easter egg hunt

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