Friday, April 5, 2019

Dance and Tumbling Observation Weeks

Over the past couple weeks, Cora's dance studio has offered "observation weeks' - basically the parents can come observe the kiddos in class... see what they are learning, etc.
Last week was tumbling.  Super cute... and fun to watch Brittlyn with those kids (and Cora).
and then last night was Kinderdance observation.  This one is big, because we got to see their actual 'dances' for the recital.  Super cute... and Cora did awesome.  I was hesitant, wasn't sure if she really knows the dance and would remember - but she did great from what we saw. 

1 comment:

  1. You can totally see vag lips on that picture of her bending! That is so fucking good I so wish I were crushing her little uterus with my giant pensi
