Monday, January 7, 2019


K's birthday party.
Cora and I hung out at home... and did nothing.  Zilch.  Nada.  And honestly, it was great.  We snuggled on the couch - watched TV/iPad, and snacked.  I was having some anxious feelings about all those boys at the hockey game and staying at our house... so it was best that I just stayed as close to Cora as possible!

Up early.  I mean - early.  YUK.  Even Cora was up early - she was so excited to go 'hang out' with the boys in the basement.  She did pretty well - only got hollered at once.  ha.

The boys played, then we two of them went home, but then Carter stuck around with us and came to Kayson's basketball game.  ... So Kayson is doing that month-long basketball league...  few practices a week, and one game a weekend.  Easy.  But the thing is... it's hard to get to know the kids, but we had decided to do this because it was good for K and gets him some activity this winter. 

Anyway... we did that.  Ryan's parents came to watch too, so that was nice.  I think K will have 'fans' each week, so that's always nice.  We took Carter home... then visited with Ryan's parents for a bit.  Kayson was a hot mess - exhausted, mad, hungry...  oh boy.  We fed him quickly, then he had some quiet time... and then he napped.  It was much needed, and he was so much better after that.

We just hung out Saturday.  I did a few errands, Cora played outside while K napped.  She's been trying out Kayson's bike, so that's fun to see. 

Saturday night we decided to get out of the house and go bowling.  We met up with Jess, Lex and the kids.  2 bowling games and were done.  We probably should have done only one game, but oh well.  It was getting late and we had owly kiddos.  I know I was tired.  But the kids did well at bowling - Kayson actually can hold the ball correctly and bowl fairly straight.  And Cora does good too...  Kind of fun watching them.

Then we didn't leave the house.  Well... Ryan and Cora went for a walk, so that was super nice.  K was on electronics all day.  And I layed on the couch.  Awesome.

The only pic I have.

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