Monday, January 14, 2019

Weekend & Celebrating Grandma Ann

The week was finally over... seemed to last forever, but of course when I think back, it was like it was yesterday - always goes fast.  We grabbed a bite to eat out Friday night and just fiddled around.  Pretty quiet night. 


Up and at em...  Kayson had a basketball game at 9.  Seemed early, but was nice to get up and going for the day.  Hope and Logan joined us to watch, so that was nice to see them.  They came over after the game...  hung out, and then we grabbed lunch with them.  They went on their way, and we did a few little errands.  

Back home... and we had gotten a good amount of snow overnight, so the kids played outside, which was super fun for them. They played awesome, and for quite awhile... then it came to a halt with one of the neighbor boys not saying something nice to Cora - so she didn't like that... which I don't blame her.  Kids can be mean.  Anyway... we moved on and headed out to go on a family date - movie night!  We went to see "A Dog's Way Home".  Really good movie... really good story line, which was sweet.  We had a nice time... 

We got up and got all packed up for the next couple days...  headed down to Creston.  We had lunch with everyone at Ryan's parents, then we headed down to Diagonal to the church for the family's first viewing/private viewing of Great Grandma Ann.  Man... sure does bring back terrible memories of Mom's funeral.  It was hard... I sat for a long time and just thought about Grandma and Mom... and all the people they touched over their lives.  Great Grandma was 102...  imagine all the things she did, all the people she knew and all the people she loved.  ... and the people that loved her!!!  We visited with family for about an hour, then took a break and went back to Grandma Janis' farm to just chill for a bit. 

Then from 4-6 we went back to the church for the official visitation.  Still hard... but was nice to see some people I hadn't seen in awhile.  My nerves got a little crazy, but then they soon relaxed and I was able to visit a little more...  
Following the visitation, we all went up to a restaurant in town and ate there...  in addition, we celebrated Duke and Tate's birthdays.  Crappy couple days to have birthdays, but they handled it great... good sports.  

a busy morning getting everyone out the door... packed up... dressed up... not forgetting anything.  We did it, but man - it gets crazy sometimes.  

The funeral was this morning... and it was beautiful.  Very nice... the Pastor said some very nice words, and they had some moments where she talked a lot about the memories of Grandma... and they were so sweet and funny.  And the tears just fell... and fell.  Man, it was hard.  She was amazing, and I'm so thankful to have known her. 

We had a small moment out at the cemetery (in the snow and cold!), but definitely memorable.  
The church women served us a nice lunch... then back to the farm to hang out for a bit.  

What a couple days...  I'm wiped out.  It's exhausting being on a roller coaster of emotions!!!  It was a great couple days tho... and very blessed to be a part of that family. 

Our first snow of the year... and Kayson LOVED IT!

a few got stuck at the cemetery.  Made us giggle.
Smelling the roses.

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