Sunday, October 14, 2018


Friday night we stayed in... but had visitors. Our friends Holly and Mike (and boys) came over for pizza.  We just hung out... kids played well, and us adults just chatted for several hours.  I was however, exhausted once they left.  It had been a long week!

Ryan worked in the morning.  Kids and I hung out...  (does this sound like a repeat from the last couple weekends!!?!?)  I thought for sure the kids would sleep til 7:30 at least... nope - 6:50.  Bummer.  I layed around and just vegged.  I was tired, slept terrible Friday night. 

I finally perked up... did some cleaning, laundry - normal Saturday stay home stuff.  We watched the Iowa game at home, which was nice.  Just kind of relaxing.  About 2:00, Kayson was picked up for the ISU game.  Yes, the Iowa State game.  That little boy, Hudsen, invited him to go... and K was all in!  They had an amazing time, and Kayson was beyond exhausted (when he got home at 11:15 pm!)  

Meanwhile, Cora, Ryan and I went to Ryan's work fall party.  They've been holding a fall party the last year, and it's been working out well.  Winter is hard for everyone to get here to DSM.  The weather was super chilly, but the kids had a blast -- with a huge obstacle course and bounce house.  We had a nice couple hours with Ryan's co workers.  

Cora was pooped when we got home, but she really wanted to watch a movie.  So we did about half of a movie, then she was out!!  

It was a nice day. 

And this was the morning that the kids slept in!!  Imagine that.  I had to wake them at 8, and I believe both would have slept til 8:30 or so!  Poor kids. Just can't get that planned well!  ha. 

Then home most of the day, which was great again.  The weather was SUPER cold... and it snowed!!!  It didn't stick to the ground, but it definitely came from the sky!

Mid afternoon, Grandma JeanAnn came and took Cora to the Disney Junior Dance Party at the Civic Center.  I believe they had a good time...  Cora was a little stinker when she got home, and continued through the night (she was super tired), so we'll talk about it later this week I'm sure.  ha. 

Here's to another weekend that went super fast... and to another week (almost a whole week) on my own. 

A cute picture of the kids bundled up before school
K and Hud

I freaking love this!!!
Cora reading to me... she does a great job.

Super cute.  Thanks Grandma!

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