Sunday, August 19, 2018


Well, Kayson has been off from BTB for a full week now. 3 more full weekdays left. Pray for us!
Monday/Tuesday he was with Ryan's folks. 
Wednesday, Ryan and him had a day together.  They did the Iowa State Fair.  And had a great time... I like that they have that tradition.  (Cuz I don't like the fair!!)  ... and it was a good year, cuz Kayson wasn't sick this time!  ha. 

Isn't that the funniest thing ever?!?
Thursday, Kayson spent the day with Duke and Brittlyn.  Man, we are lucky to have such great cousins.  They played PS4 or whatever a little, then Brittlyn (now that she's 16) can drive!  So she hauled them to do glow mini golf, and went out for lunch.  Super nice.  She texted me the entire time letting me know where they were, etc.  
I picked him up around 3:30, and I could tell they had a blast.  Good day for K.

The start of my little time off.  Kayson and I hung out...  he, of course didn't really want to do anything... so we just took it easy.  We did some errands, played outside a little, but that was about it. 
Then Friday night we traded my car in.  We drove down to Creston for the swap...  had a quick supper with Mike and JeanAnn, then back on the road.  It was a great little night... but we were all tired!
A quiet morning... then I headed up to Ames to meet up with Hope, Trish, Jill, Eden and Logan's mom.  It was wedding dress shopping day!!!  Man, we had a good time... and to top it off, Hope found her dress!  And THEN... I was asked to be one of her Personal Attendants (with Jill too!) Oooooh, it makes me so happy and I can't wait to be a part of her day!  (Now I just wish Cora had that much excitement!)... we are still working on that!  :)

Ryan took the kids to Hotel Transylvania 3 movie while I was gone.  Then Saturday night we just hung out at home. 

Church. Then a fairly quiet day.  Laundry, quick grocery run. And then lots of fighting with the kids.  Unfortunately.  They were both just off today...  crabby, but super obnoxious and both of them were just picking at each other.  As the night went on, it got better... but I was ready for them to be in bed!! 


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