Saturday, August 11, 2018

Cora's 6th Birthday Party

This morning we celebrated Cora's birthday.  Last year we didn't really get the family here, so we did the celebrating a little earlier in the month, so about everyone could be with us. 
Blair's were able to come to DSM for several days actually...  they arrived Thursday, spending a couple days with us (in between us working and still doing daycare/school), but it was nice having them here.  The kids did have a good time.

So anyway, this morning about everyone joined us.  The morning was great...  Cora did well, definitely antsy and tried to be patient for gifts of course, but we got to it, and she loved everything.  Her birthday theme was 'mermaid', so she got a few good, fun mermaid gifts that matched well with the theme.  Fun.  

We had yummy food...  and then just more playing.  About 1:00 Blair's headed back to Sioux City (minus Tate, he went to Creston).  And about that time... I could see that Cora was tired.  She wanted some quiet time, which was fine... but I didn't have her rest.  We fought through it, we played quietly and she did pretty well.  

Then Hope and Logan gave her a cute gift - a puzzle asking her to be their flower girl in their wedding.  And to our surprise, Cora immediately said 'no'.  We giggled about it, and tried to talk with her and have her change her mind, but unfortunately, she didn't.  She doesn't want to do it (as of now).  We've kind of blown it off for now...  but I'm deeply disappointed and worried.  Like about sick to my stomach, because of course I don't want to disappoint or hurt Hope and Logan's feelings. Tears have fallen a couple times just thinking about it...  I just don't even know what to do.  So...  we'll wait. I'll talk with her again in a week or so, and see what happens.  I don't even care if we bribe her with whatever she wants...  (I know that's not right), but this really isn't an option to say 'no' in my opinion.  #superbummed #superworried

So... we'll move on...  overall, Cora had a great little birthday party.  She was feisty and played hard for several days with her cousins.  It ended up catching up to her - and she fell asleep on the couch about 6:00.  I let her sleep about an hour...  

Here are some pics of her day.
She was so pretty - hair curled, adorable outfit too.

Can't believe she'll be 6!!

Asleep at 6pm with her new mermaid snuggie

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