Thursday, March 22, 2018


Our Murphy is getting old... poor little guy.  He turned 14 last week.  14!!  That's 98 in human years... isn't that what 'they' say?!
Anyway, he's been such a good dog... amazing actually.  My timid one.  The one that just wants to sit on a lap, and sleep. Just a good dog. 

Over the past several months we've seen him really show his age...  lots and lots more sleeping, less eating, lack of interest in some things, and showing his hips/back legs hurting.  BUT with all of that, he's still shown the need for cuddles and interest in OUR food.  

Last week I took him to the vet for just a check up... and the conversation of - "Is he ok?" and "I'm worried about his weight."  The vet was great, talked with me quite a bit and listened to everything I had to say.  In the end, we did some blood tests basically to check his organs.  The results were actually better than we both had thought --- no signs of organ failure, which is great.  But - still there's the main concern of his weight.  Only 3.6 lbs.  That's LITTLE.  The vet said there's a possibility that he could have some sort of cancer (that the blood test can't pick up) (like Quincy had), or he has a tumor somewhere (tummy probably).  BUT... since we do not know that for a fact - we will just continue to love him, keep him happy, and keep him comfortable.  

So... for now, I've picked up some soft/canned food for him (as his teeth are pretty bad), and the soft foods might have a little more calories and protein in them.  He's very interested in the soft food, which is awesome.  We are going on about a week of the soft food... and I truly think he seems perkier.  Which, again, is great.  So...  again, just going to do whatever at this point (without tests and spending a fortune) to just keep him happy and comfy.  

I'm not quite ready to lose this little guy.

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