Thursday, March 8, 2018

Cora - little bug/virus

Week 1 of 2 on our own without Daddy... and we had an 'event'. Figures. Especially when I'm actually busy at work!
Tuesday night Cora seemed good/feisty, ate supper, played hard with Kayson... then about 6:45 - she was down and out.  She layed around, said she was super tired and cold.  No fever... no, nothing and she slept great. 

Wednesday she woke up tired...  a low fever of about 99.3.  I gave her Motrin, only because I was going to send her to daycare...  by the time we got to daycare, she seemed fine - talkative, happy.  
Wednesday when I picked her up (she made it all day long!)... she was warm.  The teacher had just checked her (just felt her head) and said she "seemed warm, but had acted fine all day long...  until about the last 20 minutes of the day."  Teacher said Cora seemed to just loose steam.  Makes sense. 
We got home... temp was 101.1.  BUMMER!  She was so tired she said... so she was quarantined to her room (like we always do when we have sickies)... she rested. I gave her another round of Motrin, and a ton of oils!  About 6:00 she hollered for me... wanted to color and watch her iPad. She ate all her supper... drank a ton of water...  temp was down to about 99.7.  She took it easy all night long... had a small snack before bed, and slept all night long. 

This morning (Thursday)...  temp was about 99.5.  Not too terrible... but she looked pretty rough.  Bags under her eyes, and again, just saying she was tired.  

We got Kayson to school... and we've just been home all day. I guess it was the 'safe route'.  Which is fine... I got everything washed up (beds, blankets, all those types of things).  It was a nice day.

Her fever has stayed normal since about 10:00 am.  She had a snack, she at ok at lunch, she played, she had quiet time, she rested about 2 hours.  This afternoon she still was pretty somber, but once brother was home - she perked up.  (love their little bond)

I'm knocking this up to a short lived virus (that's what my sister called it!) 

Essential oils that were (and are still being) used:
OnGuard - on her spine every 3-4 hours
Peppermint - on top of her head, and bottom of feet every 3 hours
Immunity blend - bottom of feet morning and night
Breathe - on her chest every 4 hours or so

And I did throw in VicksRub on her feet. 

I love that I have options other than Motrin/Tylenol. 

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