Thursday, September 14, 2017

Kayson - Orthodontist

Well...  Kayson has the Hardy teeth.  And man I feel so bad!!!!!
So in August when we were at the dentist - our dentist explained (which we knew most of this), that Kayson has some major crowding of teeth (small mouth - huge teeth!), and there is a back baby tooth that is not coming in straight down - it's kind of angled.  So... he suggested we see an ortho.

This morning we had our evaluation with the ortho.   Kayson was all nervous... oh he's my child. 

The ortho talked with us and looked over K's teeth -- and then decided that we could insert a spacer in that back tooth to maybe help it move straight down...  so the hygienist put that spacer in.  It was pretty slick, but Kayson says it feels weird - like he has popcorn stuck in this tooth.  And that sucks!!  ha.

And then in the future - we will need to have some baby teeth pulled in order for the permanent teeth to come in where they need to.  That will be a challenge, and OH so nerve-racking too.  Poor kid. 

Anyway... we will go back in about 6-8 weeks for another check up.

I have a feeling I'll be writing a lot about Kayson's teeth over the next 3 years... and we will be spending a lot of money as well. 

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