Friday, September 22, 2017

Every.Single.Night - Bath and bedtime drama!

Our lives (at home and work), are a routine - we've always been a routine family.  This should be nothing new to our children either! 
The last couple weeks, Cora (and Kayson) have been having HUGE debates with us about our evening routines and bath and bedtime.  Yah, the weather's been good... so as long as Kayson gets some of his homework (reading and/or math) done, then the kids go outside for awhile.  Sometimes it's longer than it should be because then we are rushing, etc... which I know gets them all in a huff (me too!)  We sometimes try to put too much into a short amount of time - and I get it, I want my kids to play outside as much as they want to - but homework needs to be done, quiet time needs to happen and maybe even a conversation between the 4 of us!

They both were very disrespectful over the weekend at bath time, so we took their iPads away... and we've actually stayed with it.  #YeahParents  and they've both survived, which is amazing, right?!

I listened to a webinar about a month ago about 'not yelling at your kids'...  and trying to talk with them, etc.  Anyway, I feel like I've really tried hard to not yell lately...  I mean - really tried.  I've stayed calm, I've spoke to them in a stern voice, I've walked away when they have been talking back - but unfortunately, it just doesn't work for them/me.  Typically Ryan has to speak up (loudly) and then they listen and cry.  UGH.  (We go from one extreme to another!)

I even pulled Kayson aside the other night and explained what I was trying to do.  Not sure if that's the right thing, but I want him to understand (also think he should understand since he's almost 9!) what we (as parents) are trying to do... and trying to help with... and trying to just keep the kids happy/safe/etc.  Being a parent is so damn hard! 

Anyway, our evenings haven't gotten any better over the past couple weeks... typically there is bawling involved (from Cora), stomping away (from K and C) and just being super SLOW... lolly-gagging as I like to call it.  ha.

1. Someday they'll listen to us the first time, right?!?
2. I'm done complaining!

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