Sunday, January 29, 2017


We had a great weekend... 
Following a long week... we headed out to try Spaghetti Works downtown.  We haven't been there in probably 15 years???  I know it's been awhile for Ryan for sure.  Kayson was excited cuz he's been there - they go for summer program.  Anyway, we had a great spot by a front window... and the kids ate awesome.  It was super yummy. 

Back home and bed. 

Our last basketball games for the season.  This week was much better than last week.  K did well, getting a few shots in.  We headed back home...  lunch was had, then quiet.  I had a massage scheduled at LifeTime, so I did that.  And man oh man, did it hurt.  So bad.  I know massages are supposed to be relaxing and make you feel good.  Well, not for me.  My back is a mess... and I have terrible posture, which does NOT help the situation at all.  The massage therapist literally said to me - "your a mess."  Yah, I've heard that before, like every.single.time.  Anyway, he killed me!!!!!  I left there thinking - wow, I'm not sure if I can even function I hurt so bad.  

I got home... showered quick, then Scott and Duke came over.  We all headed out to Pella to watch Colby play ball.  Super good trip over (and back)... the kids did great.  It was nice having Duke there for Kayson. 

We had dinner after the game, then back home.  Seemed like a short Saturday, but we did a lot!

Church.  And today I taught Kayson's Sunday School class.  I did well, I think.  ha.  I'm not a huge fan of teaching, but I also want to help out if needed.  I'm just not comfortable with the bible and things like that...  but today went well.  The kids were good and seemed half way interested.  :)

Then we were home all afternoon.  Duke came and hung out with us again.  So Kayson was busy (and happy) all afternoon.  Duke was with us for about 4 hours...  they played SO well together.  They of course did the PS4 and iPads, but also played outside a little too.  It was a super nice afternoon.  

Also this afternoon we skipped Cora's rest.  She's been struggling at bedtime...  not necessarily fighting us, but just not falling asleep for a long time...  (we put her to bed at 8:20/8:30, and she's still awake at 9:15.)  So...  we skipped nap today.  We were home and it was a fairly quiet afternoon, so we thought we'd try.  By 6:30 she was getting 'silly' and a little owly.  I put her to bed about 7:35... and when I went to check on her at 7:55, she was asleep.  SUCCESS.  

We just need to figure this out a little.  We never, ever had problems with Kayson going to bed and doing naps at the same time... so it's new to us.  We'll try whatever, and see what works.  We still want her resting at daycare... as they still have a set time for that.  She'll get the naps 'taken away' when she's 5 and in the last room before Kindergarten...  but we still have a ways to go.  More to come I'm sure!

The rest of our night has been nice...  kids to bed early, I actually painted my nails for the first time in forever, I colored and now... more quiet.  

It was a super nice weekend.  I'm totally bummed it's over.  

A few pics!
Dessert Friday night.  He ate a ton!!

K and Duke - sporting Steph Curry apparel

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