Sunday, April 24, 2016


Cora and I stayed home Friday.  Friday morning, she woke up and just wasn't acting like herself... very clingy and seemed very tired.  She ate breakfast, but within minutes of eating, she looked pale (like the blue lips and just out of it).  It freaked me out.  She said her tummy hurt and she was cold...  She seemed like she wanted to throw up, but she never did...  we just sat with her and eventually she got color back.  It was Sooooo weird.  No fever, but just definitely not herself.  Ryan needed to be in the office, so I ran downtown and got my laptop, back home to be with her.  

She was definitely quiet most of the day... just moped around, but also played really well.  I was actually able to work about 6 hours, so that was SUPER.  She had some crackers mid-morning... that stayed down, and she again, perked up a little.  She ate a little for lunch, then was super tired.  She layed down for about 2 hours, which is pretty good...  then she really was back to her normal self by 4:00.  I still think it's really weird... and we'll watch that again.  But she seems ok. 

Friday night we just stayed in... ordered yummy pizza and hung out. 

Ryan attended a men's church gathering in the morning - breakfast and brainstorming for some activities through the year.  He had a nice time.  Kids and I just hung out... 

After lunch, I headed up to Clarion.  Eden had been asked to Prom, so I took the afternoon and evening to just do that by myself.  I had a really good time spending time with my sisters and the girls... Hope brought her roommate home and her twin, so we had fun with them.  It was just a super nice day.  As much as I love my kiddos - it was nice to just have me time.  However, the drives were so quiet it actually made me crazy!!  ha.  Figures.

Anyway, Ryan had a good day with the kids.  Kayson had a little birthday party to attend, so he was busy for a couple hours.  Cora rested.  They went for a walk.  They planted some flowers out back.  They got ice cream.  They watched a movie.  Good job Daddy.  :)

Church... then a quick run to the mall.  Kayson needed ANOTHER pair of shoes.  That kid.  He got shoes, sliders and some sandels.  He should be set.  Good grief. 

Groceries, laundry, fresh air, quiet time and random stuff this afternoon.  It's been a nice day.  

Here are a few pics from the weekend. 
She looks 12.

My beauty of a niece - Eden.  She looks awesome.
Derick and Eden
Goofy kids.

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