Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Janelle - Allergies - Part 1

Over the past 6-8 months, I've been diagnosed with sinus infections.  I start to sneeze like crazy... and just really explode and it just turns into a terrible outbreak.  So... the last time I saw the family doctor, I was diagnosed with sinus infection. Along with that - the doctor just felt like something wasn't right.  She was concerned that I had had "too many" of these...  so in a nutshell, she referred me to an allergist to get some answers.

Fast forward to middle of February.  I met with an allergist... and his first question to me was - "How do you know you have sinus infections?"  Well, I first thought it was a trick question, then I thought - "is he being a prick!?!?"  haha.  But basically he was getting to the fact that he didn't think I was actually suffering from sinus infections, solely because I don't get fevers with these (and infections typically come with a fever).  Many questions later, he basically needed to see what was going on in my head.  Literally.  So I had a CT Scan.  The CT Scan came back 'perfect' - meaning, no surgery needed/no sinusitis...  we've just got an allergy problem. 

So... today - I had a round of allergy tests done.  30 injections of low dose random items.  I was a little nervous going into it...  but figured it would be similar to acupuncture.  Um, no.  Those were full blown needles and they hurt!  All 30 of them!  :)  But I survived.

Instantly I reacted to a few things - ragweed is one of them.  The 'bump' was instantly red and swollen and itched like crazy!  So interesting.  I'm also allergic to cats, and some dog dander.  (And not Murphy).  From here through Thursday, I need to measure the 'bumps' to see if any have gotten bigger or redder...  and as of now (4 hours later), I don't feel like any are bigger.  Which is good.  The question is tho -- why do I have such a terrible reaction in the dead of winter if I'm 100% allergic to ragweed!??!?!  And I strictly stay away from cats.  I don't know...  but we'll hopefully figure it out. 

More to come!!

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry to hear about your Allergies. I had tried acupuncture therapy for sinus infection from a local acupuncturist Mississauga and had a great experience. Not only did it help me with sinus but also with anxiety. I strongly suggest you to try acupuncture.
