Saturday, July 11, 2015

Ryan's Birthday

Happy 36th birthday to my wonderful hubby.  Gosh - I love him, I love what he does for us, and am super thankful to spend another birthday with him!  Here's to another year babe!

This morning, I was up early...  I ran to the store to get all the stuff we needed for the family gathering tonight.  I did that - and even stopped at Dunkin Donuts for a 'treat' for the family this morning.  When I returned, Kayson was still sleeping - and Daddy and Cora were in bed together.  Daddy snoozing - Cora watching a cartoon.  So sweet. 

Kayson slept in...  almost til 9.  We started our day - birthday day!  We hung out, kids played, gifts were given to Daddy, and I started prepping some of the food for tonight.  Late morning, we headed to Homemakers to make a furniture purchase - couch and love seat for the basement.  Unfortunately, the kids weren't on the best behavior, so we made it quick and were out.  It's checked off the list, so that's good.  We need to get some sort of end table... and I have some other great ideas for a console table and some wall stuff...  more to come!  

We did lunch out, then it was nap time.  Cora, of course, and she slept almost 3 hours.  We also made Kayson lay down.  We've realized that when he does get a lot of sleep, he's got a terrible attitude - it's like he's gotten too much sleep.  What?!?!  So, he rested for about an hour and a half.  Meanwhile, Ryan and I prepped more food, cleaned and organized.  

Around 4:30, the family showed up... Ryan's parents, and two of Ryan's Uncles and their families, plus Grandma Janis.  We had a house-full, and it was great.  To be honest, a lot has been going on in our lives lately (people passing away, people hurting my feelings and just life getting in the way of slowing down and enjoying each other)... so having the house-full of family was just what we needed.  Kind of like last week with my family being here and the loss of Quincy - nice distraction and honestly, all that matters right now.  Family.  

Anyway, we had a great time - the food we prepped was great, and the kiddos played hard, especially Kayson and Duke.  Colby and Kylie joined us too - and they ran all over with the kids too.  Just fun times... and good conversations.  

Now it's quiet... The kids got to bed super late, so hopefully tomorrow will be an ok day.  Ryan's having some cake, Murphy is snoozing RIGHT.NEXT.TO.ME., and I'm on my way to bed.  YAWN.  

Just half of the family tonight...  love them all lined up. 
This morning - Cora wanted help, and brother actually offered.  :)

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