Thursday, July 2, 2015

RIP Quincy Jamison

Monday afternoon of this week we were informed (after an ultrasound of Quincy's tummy, and some more bloodwork) that Quincy has intestinal lymphoma (cancer).  When we were told, Ryan and I just held hands and listened.  Much to my surprise, I had no tears - I just listened and almost felt a slight relief to know (finally) what's going on with Quincy.  Hearing the results are tough, and very scary, but I'm glad we went through with the 'hospital' visit and we had answers. 

The specialty vet gave us some words of thoughts... and a couple treatment options.  One of the treatment options was steroids to help Quincy feel better, get an appetite and somewhat of a quality of life back.  However, this would only give us 1 to 3 more months with Quincy, while giving him a steroid every single day.

We left the hospital with Quincy (then the tears flowed!)... and took him home. 

Monday evening, after lots and lots more tears and conversations, Ryan and I decided it was the best thing for Quincy to not move forward with the steroid option.  We both feel he's too far gone, that we need to put him to rest.  Tuesday afternoon I got another confirmation call from the specialty vet - confirming more results (from the blood work) and asked what our plan was. 

Wednesday afternoon I phoned our regular vet and talked with him about our plan.  He was very supportive and very helpful in telling me what to expect.  He basically said - "when you and your husband are ready - that's the best time for Quincy."  A lot easier said, then done!!!

Last night (Wednesday), Quincy was worse.  He had no energy, no muscle left, he was exhausted/lethargic.  He had an accident as well as trying to vomit, in which he couldn't - he just collapsed.  It was the worst thing I've seen and experienced.  I just held him and cried.   I told Ryan it was time - we can't do this anymore.

This morning I phoned the vet - and made an appointment for this afternoon.  I went to work to get my computer (thinking - maybe I would be able to stay for a bit), but within minutes, I was bawling.  I came home and held Quincy.  Unfortunately, Quincy was not comfortable being on my lap... he chose to be back in his kennel.  I watched him all morning... praying, crying and trying to find some ease.

Ryan and I took him to the vet this afternoon.  The vet came in and talked with us...  and swooped him away to get the catheter in his leg.  We then layed him down and with in seconds (of the injection), Quincy was gone.  Just like that.  He layed there...  no sounds, no heart beat, no breath.  Ryan and I both just sobbed.  So unbearable and scary, and heart breaking, and hurtful, and relieved as well. 

That dog has been with me through SO much of my life!!!  I got Quincy when I was married the first time...  he was with me through lots of that, getting Murphy as a brother, a divorce, several moves, getting a new 'father figure' with Ryan, and more moves, and then two small humans.  He took it all with stride, minus a few moments of him not being crazy about Ryan!!  But regardless, he was a great first dog for me.  I'm so very thankful for him and the life we created.  

Quincy Jamison will forever be missed and thought of daily.  I love you Quincy J.

I unfortunately only have a few digital pictures of him... most are printed, and they are packed away in the storage area.  These are a few of him.

Probably 7 years ago.  Best buds.
Lots of hair on him!!
About 3 years ago.
He loved his tummy rubbed.
two weeks ago.  Skinny, but wanted to be with us.
Last night (July 1, 2015).  We cuddled...  Best moment.
Snuggled way in the back of the pop up kennel.  June 2015

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