Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Remembering Leslie

I blog...  solely for myself and my immediate family.  It's something that I can look back at (especially the pictures, and my babbles on what we have done, what I'm feeling and how my kiddos drove me crazy at times!)  :)  It's for us.  As much as I know, I don't believe anyone that I don't know reads this... I could be wrong, but I think I have a good idea of who does (and they are friends/family).  

I tend to read/follow several blogs of people I do not know.  I've found them on Instagram, or just searching (it's not weird, really!)  You can see some of my favorites in my blog list on the left side of this page.  Anyway, I've followed Leslie Sisti -- for about 3 years.  I loved the way she wrote, she was a southern bell (from Arkansas) and such a huge heart (just reading her words), she had two beautiful daughters and a very handsome hubby.  She seemed to have everything together.  I enjoyed her posts about her kiddos and life... but also about her fashion and makeup advice.  

Over the past 6 months maybe (shortly after having her second little girl), she started explaining she had a heart problem...  she never really went into details, but it was enough and serious enough that she was hospitalized for months recently.  She was released about a month ago... and then was back in a different hospital about 2 weeks ago.  

I just read that she passed away.  She was 30.  30 years old.  

This makes me sick.  My heart hurts for her family, those little girls, her parents, her husband, her friends... and her blog family.  Again, I've never met her, but gosh, it sure does shake your world and make you realize you need to be thankful for every darn second.  

Please say an extra prayer for the Sisti family.  God bless them all.


  1. Isn't this terrible! Shook me up a bit, too. Life is so unfair sometimes! :(

  2. Oh so sad. :( You are right, we need to be thankful for every second we have here!
