Friday, June 26, 2015


In a nut shell - this has been our life the past week:
  • Cora is a challenge.  PERIOD.  She's the most independent little girl I've met!!!  She wants to be in control, she insists on doing everything herself, and she also insists on being naughty to just me.  This is not any fun!  Examples:
    • She throws a fit when getting into the car.  Period.  She arches her back and won't sit up to get buckled - like she's 9 months old again and figuring out that being in the car isn't all that fun. 
    • She spits at me and hits me.  (If others are reading this and you think 'well, what are YOU doing wrong Janelle?' --- I don't know!!!)  She only does this to me.  She never would ever do this to Ryan.  I've tried the calm approach, I've tried the harsh approach, I've tried ignoring her.  Nothing works. 
    • Bedtime is still a struggle, when I do it.  She's an angel for Ryan... but when I leave the room, she screams that bloody-murder type of scream.  UGH.   This also happens when I drop her off at school...  I've told Ryan I need to leave for about a week!!!
    • She also thinks that permanent markers are ok to use...  I've even tried hiding them.  She finds them!!!!
  • Kayson is good. 
    • He does hate the fact that Cora is naughty and doesn't listen.  From time to time, he himself gets upset and cries because he is tired of her mis-behaving.
    • He's enjoying the summer program - they keep so busy!  He had a rough day this past Tuesday, as they stayed on-site.  The supervisor told us that he had trouble listening and was then sad in the afternoon.  We talked with him... and he ended up telling me that he missed me.  Nice try.  :)  But he also said that his friend didn't want to be Kayson's friend anymore.  My guess is that was a trigger to have a bad day.  Poor kid.  Only 6 1/2 and we are having friend issues.  UGH!
    • With his busy days, he finds himself being on the iPad a lot.  I've decided we can't do that.  We tried to do some 'homework' last night, and he was struggling to remember certain things.  No way - every night we are now going to take the time to do some real 'thinking'!  :)
    • He's TAN!!!  Good grief that little boy is handsome and tan!  :)
  • The basement is coming along really well!  There are now things that we need to pick out/order/confirm - so we will probably be holding up the process soon.  With Ryan traveling and just not having many free weekends, we are finding it hard to step away and get things picked out.  Regardless, it's exciting - and we'll have a full new area down there soon!
  • Quincy is still not doing well.  The vet and an internalist vet have determined they believe Quincy has some intestinal problems.  So we are moving forward with an ultrasound of his tummy, which will be done on Monday morning.  I now hope that we can make it through the weekend without too much trouble...  especially since we'll be gone.   Lots of praying for him, and lots of coddling when he lets us. 
  •  My head is spinning lately with all the stuff going on - all of the above things.  And my heart is heavy with the same things above.  So much going on... and so much that I want to remember and soak in. 

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