Thursday, June 11, 2015

Quincy J

Quincy is my oldest Yorkie - I believe he's 13.  He hasn't been acting 'normal' over the past month or so... and has lost significant amount of weight as well.  He hasn't ate much... and just seems lethargic.  He's so skinny and frail, it seems.  Tuesday night I just had a terrible meltdown and cried and cried --- told Ryan that I think it was time to take him to the vet to be checked out.  Of course my mind races and thinks only bad things - like he has cancer, or I'll have to put him down right away.  I just was (and still am) sick to my stomach about it.  He was my first 'baby'... and was so much fun, and so loveable.  He's been a really great dog.

So yesterday, I took him to the vet...  normally, when we are there, he's panting and sniffing everything, but he wanted on my lap... and just layed.  I literally had tears in my eyes the entire time waiting. 

Doc checked him over...  in a nutshell, he has a heart murmur (which is not uncommon, and we shouldn't be too concerned), and he has arthritis in his hips.   Doc took blood as well - to get a better idea of what's going on on the inside; if his organs are ok, and confirm no cancer.  Then we looked in his mouth.  Quincy (and his brother) have always had bad teeth - doc says it's a Yorkie thing, unfortunately.  His teeth are bad...  doc said he'd like to pull them, but we need to see what the blood work comes back with first.  We talked about a 'game-plan' -- if everything is ok on the inside, then we'll move forward with the removal of teeth in hopes to get more food in him (his teeth and gums could be the reason he's not eating).  If there is something going on on the inside, then we'll take a different route... and I'm not sure what that will be.  It'll all depend. 

I love him...  and am worried about him.  But at the same time, I don't want to keep him around if he's miserable and uncomfortable...  so we wait.  Blood work will be back tomorrow and we'll have more discussions. 

For the time being, we are trying a soft canned food in hopes to get some calories in Quincy... and perk him up a little.  He ate some last night, but then wasn't interested this morning. 

The whole thing breaks my heart... 

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