Saturday, June 20, 2015

Busy Saturday

My weekend started Friday afternoon.   I left work around noon and started looking for stuff for the basement --- flooring - tile & carpet, counter tops.  Not going to lie - not the most fun thing, especially by myself, but I definitely got an idea of what I like/don't like.  Now - Ryan and I will just need to go together and make some decisions...  and pick out paint too.  Lots more to do!!

Friday night we stayed in... then went for a long walk up to a little ice cream/frozen custard place.  Kayson rode his bike the entire way, Cora walked some of it as well.  

Today we got up and headed to the Blank Park Zoo.  We originally were going to take a little family get away Friday through today, (going to the Omaha Zoo), but the College World Series is going on over there, so we had trouble finding a hotel, and also just figured the zoo would be busy.  So we opted out, and do the zoo here.  And to be honest - it was perfect.  We were there about 3 hours - it was hot, the kids got tired and hot fast... and Cora wasn't really interested in the animals anyway.  ha.

We did a quick lunch out, then headed home.  Cora took a nice rest, and Kayson probably should have as well - he was pretty owly and did a lot of talking back.  He wasn't very much fun.  My parents came for a visit this afternoon.  They haven't been down here since last fall, so it was nice for them to be here.  I worry about them driving... and especially with Mom.  She's just so confused and I'm sure gets nervous being out of her element and not sure what's going on.  She did pretty well here - I mean, her normal stuff -- ready to leave right away, worried about Cocoa (their dog), fusses over Cora like crazy, tries to pick her up!!!!, repeats everything and asks same questions over and over, and didn't really eat.  All of these things are the 'norm' now.  It's just sad. 

They stayed through supper...  Ryan grilled out, and I think Dad had a really nice time.  I feel bad for him...  constantly worrying about Mom.  So I know days like this when he's here, or we are up in Clarion, he's a little more relaxed...  Mom has a distraction, so he can enjoy himself.  

Anyway, kids were tired - beyond tired...  so baths and bedtime came early.   

Here are some pictures from yesterday and today.
Man I love them.

She will have quiet time, and color.  Lasts only about 5 minutes.
Finished a puzzle we got from Great-Great Grandma Ann. 
Our monkey.

Hot and sweaty break.
Kid loves kickball!
With Papa Paul & Grandma Cheryl

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