Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Strep Outbreak!

3 out of the 4 members of this little Taylor family have strep throat.  Kayson, Ryan and Cora.  

As I said while we were in Arizona, Kayson had a cough.  Monday it seemed worse, and he was more than exhausted... went to school anyway.  Tuesday I was able to get him into the doctor first thing - just to get it checked out.  He was positive for strep.  Doctor said she was shocked he wasn't in so much pain.  Ryan stayed home with him... and he rested most of the day.  This morning he was still pretty whiny, but by tonight - he was back to himself.  - attitude, fiesty and laughing.  That totally makes me happy.

Cora didn't sleep well last night... and has a cough as well.  So I was able to get her into the doctor this afternoon.  Diagnosis - positive for strep.  Are you kidding me?!?!  I just feel terrible!  So on our way home, I called Ryan - he, too, has had his normal cough he gets twice a year... and he wasn't feeling the best the other day...  within 20 minutes, he called me back and said he was going to the walk-in clinic to get checked.  Diagnosis - positive for strep.  Holy moly - three antibiotics for three people.  

I will be SO LUCKY if I come out of this with nothing.  I actually feel fine... throat is fine, I am tired, but I'm just marking that up to getting over vacation and now cleaning like crazy!  I don't ache, I don't have a fever... nothing.  Man, I hope I'm okay.  

If we can get through the next day or so, the three of them should be good...  

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