Sunday, April 15, 2012

Boo to Sunday!

We've had a really good weekend...  however, they go SO fast.  Boo to that!

Friday evening we met up with some friends from Creston - Mindy & TJ and a few of their friends.  Mindy set up a surprise night out/dinner/drinks for her hubby's birthday.  We enjoyed a fancy dinner, and some great conversation.  It was a nice time.

Saturday Ryan worked, while Kayson and I played and tried to stay busy.  I was antsy most of the morning/day...  like I just wanted to go run around the block.  Obviously that didn't happen!  Soon enough the storms started settling in... so we stayed in the rest of the day/night...  we were hammered by some heavy rain and strong gusts of winds...  however, nothing compares to what Creston experienced.  The hospital was damaged and had to evacuate the patients... one of the patients was Grandpa Dick.  He was transported to a near by hospital, and is safe.  Several homes, along with the community college there had tons of damage too.  What a mess.  

Today we knew we needed to get out, so we went to the mall and passed the time...  Kayson attempted to play at the Play Place.  When I say attempted - I mean, he stared and watched the kids...  then he'd run for 2 seconds, come back and talk to us.  He doesn't climb any of the toys, he just goes up the steps, down the slides and then runs every once in awhile.  We decided next time we go, we are bringing a friend for him!  ha.  We had lunch, then back home...  he took a SHORT nap, in which turned into a crabby afternoon for him.  Bedtime came a little early tonight...  

Now it's Sunday evening...  big bummer.  Even though we really didn't do much all weekend, it just went fast, and makes me crabby to go back to work.  YUK.  

Hope everyone in Creston has a safe, warm place to sleep tonight... Have a good week.

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