Sunday, August 28, 2011

Weekend Update

First - so glad Ryan is home... and doesn't have to drive back to South Dakota for awhile.  Lord - that's a long 2 weeks without him.  

We had a great weekend... and a big weekend for Kayson.  He got to stay with Papa Mike and Grandma JeanAnn for the first time - over night.  What a big boy!  He, of course, did great... and had fun.   But I do think he missed us when we returned...  he sat on both of our laps for awhile while waiting for lunch...  that was super nice!!  

The reason he got to stay with the Taylor's was Ryan and I went over to Omaha to celebrate some friends of ours wedding...  Greg and Amelia were married a couple months ago in Ireland and had their reception this weekend.  We were really looking forward to getting away and seeing some old friends.  We had a really great time... literally just talking for hours!!  

We got back home this afternoon... and K continued with his nap and so did Ryan and I.  Wow - we all were tired!  K slept a total of 3.5 hours, and Ryan and I slept a little over 2 hours!!  I guess partying takes a lot out of us!  ;)

Here are a few pics from the weekend!
Good friend, Holly and I  (it looks like we got 'crazy', but we didn't)!
US!  (I think it's funny that we were standing by a wall...  wall flowers I guess).  ;)
2 minutes out of Creston - Thanks Papa & Grandma for wearing him out!
and our mis-matched child.  I spilled medicine on his shirt, so we just changed the top! 

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