Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"Super Duper" Long Weekend

It's Tuesday... YUK... and it's back to work... Double Yuk!  BUT - we had a great, long holiday weekend!

We headed up to Clarion Friday evening to spend some time with my family...  I had my class reunion to attend (15 years!), so that was another reason to be at home. 

Saturday we started the day by hitting up a little "Kiddie Carnival" in Belmond... Eden helped Kayson around all of the little 'events'... it was nice to do something a little different!  Lunch was had, then we all hit the Aquatic Center in Clarion.  Wow - what a B.E.A.UTiful day!!  We had such a great time - Kayson was a blast... he LOVED watching Daddy, Lil Ryan and anyone else come down the fast slides!!  He would squeal and laugh!! I relaxed a little - sitting with Trish and Hope. 

Saturday evening was the 'big' class reunion gathering - we just did dinner and drinks at a local restaurant...  unfortunately, not many people showed up, however, the classmates that were there - were the ones I wanted to see and catch up with!!  Overall, it was a nice visit and some great laughs were had!
While we were eating and drinking - Kayson was spending time with Trish, Greg and the girls...  I was told they played hard (which is not abnormal!) and he ate great and he even got to see fireworks with them!  I was told he did great - ooohhed and awwed over them... and even fell asleep!?!?  Good boy. 

Sunday we slept in (til 8ish) - that's sleeping in for us people!  ;)  Both my sisters and their families came out to the farm for a great lunch and we played some more...  we headed back to DSM late afternoon.  We ended up vegging around and meeting up with some neighbors Sunday night.

And Monday --- our day off... it was wonderful!  I've said this before - I wish I had a 3 day weekend all the time.  Even tho we didn't do ANYTHING productive, it was just nice... nice to be with Ryan and Kayson... nice to relax, play and not feel like we were rushing around. 

It was a great weekend.  Ryan is on vacation this week - doing this and that, and just enjoying some time off.  I hope to join him Friday... keeping my fingers crossed!

Enjoy the pictures!  ;)  (in no particular order!)
With Cousins - Eden, Lindsay & Ryan
Trying out sparklers...  didn't like them, then liked them!
Happy 4th of July!
Kayson sunbathing like Mommy!  (Don't worry,
he didn't stay that way for more than 20 seconds!)

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