Sunday, November 22, 2009

Moved & Settled... & ARMY CRAWLING!

This weekend was our big move... I first want to thank all our family for their help - we couldn't have done it without them! The men - Mike, my Dad, Blair and even Scott - great to have all the man-muscle! The women - my Mom, JeanAnn & Martina - they helped organized and put that damn kitchen together! I swear there were boxes and boxes and boxes of kitchen stuff! Thank goodness for those ladies!

Second, I want to thank Colleen. She watched Kayson for us - and she said everything went very well - he took great naps for her and played well with Cali. I was so pleased... it's nice to know that Kayson does well for others!
  • Side note -- Kayson slept on his tummy for both naps - and even today (He's never done that!) AND KAYSON STARTED TO ARMY CRAWL!! Finally! Saturday morning, Ryan & I and Kayson were in his room getting his last minute stuff packed up... he went to his tummy and just army crawled over to a drawer and opened it. We were in shock and it was the BEST feeling ever! We were just laughing and clapping... looked like idiots, but proud idiots! And ever since then, Kayson's been doing the army crawl all over. He's not quick at it, but he is doing it! NOW I can say he'll be into everything before we know it!

Ok... on to the move - everything honestly went really well - once small glitch in our bedroom furniture/dresser - but it's okay, we hope to find some stain or something. (Couldn't even tell you where we'll start!) The men and women worked hard all day long... and it was a success. Ryan & I are slowly getting more stuff organized... He's actually working the garage right now. That'll be a couple day project. We love our new house and can't wait to make it our 'home'.

I promise to get pictures up tomorrow. I have Monday & Tuesday off. Tomorrow I plan to actually relax a little, I've got to. My feet and legs ache!

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