Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Work from Home/No School/COVID-19 - Week 2

A quick update on the COVID-19 pandemic...  it's just continuing to get worse, unfortunately.  Around the US and then narrowing into Iowa - the positive cases just keep coming in and increasing.  We are hearing that things will get worse before it gets better.  SO SAD.  So with that - there's a really good possibility that the kids will not be going back to school this year.  I ache at that, and just almost makes me sick. 

SO...  with that - the kids are doing ok.  I mean, we definitely have had some issues - things like just not wanting to do any 'work'.  I get it, I've been trying to have them do a little school work each morning.  Some days are much better than others.  However, now we are actually getting some work from their teachers, so that will help (at least I hope).  We'll start on that this week.

Cora has been an emotional wreck (the best way I can describe it).  She's mad...  she wants to go to school and wants to see her teacher.  Period.  This is so hard, especially at that age.  I don't think she really understands. 

Kayson has been fine - he still thinks it's 'ok' that he's missing school - but then some moments he gets a little bummed that he's missing all the fun 5th grade stuff.  I'm trying to remind him of those things and how important some of those things are before he shifts to 6th grade.  I want him to understand the importance.

So...  in a nutshell - all our days are the same, pretty much the weekends too!!  All the days just blend together.  I do have to say the days are going pretty quickly, especially when I'm working.  I appreciate that, but then also hurts - makes you really realize what we are missing - what the kids are missing:  dance, baseball, friends, school. 

Anyway, I'm trying to keep with the pictures while we are home...  remembering what we've been doing and trying to keep busy.

The kids picked up trash around the neighborhood pond!

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