Monday, October 28, 2019

Weekend/Carrie Underwood!

Wow, what a weekend... we were busy the entire weekend, and had so much fun... but now - exhausted!

Ryan and I went out for supper with Hummel's and Daughtery's...  super good couple of hours, totally needed to step away from the house and kids too.  Ryan's folks watched the kids - they did supper out and made rice krispie treats.  

Laundry and all the house things... 

Kayson and I did an errand to finish up his science project (I'll post about next!).  We worked on that...  Cora did some art and playing really well.  Football was on...  just all the nice home things.  

Late afternoon, my sisters and nieces arrived...  Carried Underwood bound!  We were so excited!  We went for supper, then headed downtown...  

Ryan and the kids went to a movie, and had a great time. 

Anyway, the concert was amazing...  pretty great seats, but we weren't right next to the girls, which was ok.  Those under age girlies may have snuck in a few 'drinks'.  haha.  They had fun, and that's all that matters.  Carrie is just amazing - I want to be just like her when I grow up!  ha.  

We got home about midnight...  everyone was silly and hungry.  We sat up and chatted for awhile, but then we crashed.  

Ryan and the kids went to church... I stayed home and hung with the girls.  Which was super nice...  We hung out all morning, just chatting away.  All I could think was - "man we are so darn lucky to be so close and enjoy each other that much!!" 

They headed out about 11ish...  and I went out to church to get the kids, cuz Ryan had a meeting afterwards. 

Our afternoon consisted of groceries, more laundry... and wrapping up Flag football!  Sis and I sat in the car, but were able to see the entire game, and it was a great one!  K and his friends did great, and had so much fun.  Just made me happy. 

THEN to top the day/weekend off... we headed out to church for Truck or Treat!  Freezing, but the kids actually had a really good time.  

See? What a weekend... and I'm completely wiped out!  Wow I wish I had today off!

Aces baseball boys!  Brody, Carter W, Hud, K

Skull Trooper (Fornite) and Evie (Descendants)

With Olivia

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