Monday, October 14, 2019


It was a little bit of an emotion day for me...  my good friend, and co worker, Ali is changing jobs, and Friday was her last day.  It's heart breaking, but super exciting for her new opportunity... she'll do amazing. But selfishly, I'll miss her and I hate having her gone. 

Friday night we went out for supper... and tackled winter coats for the kids.  (along with everyone else!)  But we landed on good coats, I think, and we were off. 

A chilly fall day here... 
Ryan went out to the church...  kids and I hung out, I kept organizing and doing laundry and trying to put things back on the walls.  I'm holding off on a few things...  as I'd like to update a few wall decors, but we'll see.

Soon enough it was noonish, and Mike was pulling up to take Ryan and Kayson to the Iowa football game.  A night game - in the cold!  Meanwhile, Cora and I hung out.  She played with Olivia for a couple hours, so that was nice...  then her and I did some errands, she needed a few pairs of shoes/boots, so we handled that.  We got a few other things done, and then back home to stay warm.  She was tired... (she's been a little off the past couple days), so we watched a movie...  ate snacks and really didn't do much of anything.  But she was fairly good for me... 

Ryan and K got home late - 1am late.  I'm glad they go and glad Kayson enjoys those things, but man - that's a long day!! 

Another busy Sunday.
Church...  lunch at church.
Ryan had a meeting at church.
Then he came home and mowed in record time (hoping this is the last mow!?!?)
Then off to flag football.  2 short games on Sunday as they are trying to make up for the missed Sunday's. 
Then home for a little bit... and then Ryan had to get back on the road to MN. 

This has been the hardest busy season yet.  (at least for me). :(

Anyway...  kids were pretty owly Sunday night... so bed was early.  I was tired, and frustrated with some kid stuff... 

Here's to a new week.

Olivia and Cora looking through Cora's photo albums. Sweet.

Kayson and Brody with some old FB player

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