Sunday, September 30, 2018

Weekend... and a scare

I took the afternoon off cuz the kids' school was having their annual fun run - Miles for Maple Grove!  And it was a huge success by the way - raising over $52,000!  Unbelievable!  But the weather lately has been really droopy... rainy.  So they had to hold the run indoors, and when they do that - they can't have all the spectators or volunteers.  I was bummed... I really wanted to watch, especially to see how Cora would have done!  ha.  Anyway, I did lunch with Nikki - which was nice... then did some errands, alone.  I got the kids (well, concentrated on Cora mostly) some new fall clothes.  She needed jammies, pants, tops, dresses (for church)... and I got a few things knocked off the list. It was good... it'll hold her off til Christmas probably!  ha.  She's just growing like a weed.

Friday night we just stayed in... cold crappy night, so a good night in.  

We had our annual family pictures taken... in the cold!  My good friend, Katie took them... and she was great - a quick 30 minutes and we were done.  The kids did awesome.  I personally felt like I looked awful, so we'll see how those come out!  ha.  But really - the kids did good.  Following that, we went home and got warm!  Ryan went to work for several hours...  the kids and I just hung out.  We played pretty well, and also just took it easy.  It was a nice morning.  

At about 1:30 we headed out to take Cora to a little birthday party for a new friend in her class, Maddie.  They were going skating!  (One of my favorites as a little girl... not sure it would be very pretty now, but I grew up skating!)  We got her settled with skates, and Kayson and I took off.  Meanwhile, K and I went shopping for him.  It was his turn.  Pants and more pants!  and we were successful.  We got several pairs, and a few tops...  again, will probably last him til Christmas, but it was good.  We had a nice time together. 

I dropped him off at home... and headed back out to get Cora.  This is where our day/night took a turn. I got to the skating rink and reached Cora... and she looked awful.  Was white as a ghost, and said she didn't feel well.  I got her shoes on, and she said she needed to throw up...  we found a garbage (right in front of everyone), and she threw up, just a little... she was pale, lethargic and sweaty.  Maddie's Mom got us some wipes, we got Sprite from the workers, and a garbage bag in case she needed it in the car.  We just stood there for a little bit... slowly everyone leaving and we were the only ones there.  Finally I got her carried out to the car... she was just pale and could barely walk (it seemed).  Once we got to the car (and some fresh air), she opened her eyes, and then closed again right away - falling asleep.  We got home as quick as I could... and on that 15 minute drive, she slept, but eventually had color back to her face/lips.  

We got home, carried her to her bed... and got her some water and a couple crackers.  She said her tummy DID NOT hurt, but she was tired.  She ate the crackers and drank a little water... and slept.  Slept hard for about an hour and a half.  

... meanwhile, Ryan and I are at a loss as to why this happened.  What's triggering this? She had a similar episode back in March. What's causing her to get so pale so quickly, etc. Is it low blood sugar?  We just didn't know/didn't understand. But then really snapping out of it shortly after.  I talked to Tricia a couple times...  she asked 1,000 questions, trying to figure things out, thinking out loud, etc. 

At about 6:00, I woke her.  It took her a little while to really wake up, but she was not sweaty (no fever), said her tummy was fine, she had full color back (maybe some bags under her eyes), and seemed fine.  I was just floored.  
She ate a little supper, drank some... and soon started to get silly.  Again, floored.

At about 7:00, I got a text from Maddie's Mom - saying that they were all at the hospital because there was a carbon monoxide leak at the skating rink!!!!!  OH MY GOD.  I called her and we talked...  my heart just sank.  But also it gave us answers.  Thankfully their family was/is ok - needed some oxygen, and were sent home.  Unfortunately she did find out that a couple other kiddos had symptoms similar to Cora's and their family... as well as some others at the skating rink.  

Now all Saturday night... and today I have been doing the - "what if's".  What if I wouldn't have picked her up til 5:00? What if it would have been much worse, and she got sick while I wasn't there?  I'm just so bothered by the whole thing... and scared to death.  I'm already a helicopter mom... and then something like this happens.  I know I had no control over it (besides not letting her go!!!), but I couldn't do that...  It just rocks your world a little.  And is scary. 

The remainder of Saturday night she was honestly fine... played, read books like crazy and was silly.  She actually had a hard time falling asleep cuz she had that hard rest so late.  I'm just sooooo thankful she's ok, and I was there with her.  

and Kayson had a birthday party to attend that night too...  (exhausted from running the kids Saturday!!!) But he had a good time, and was home about 9:30.

Flag football - in the rain.  Cora and I opted out to watch...  not necessary.  Ryan and K were dripping wet when they got home!  Poor guys.  

A nice afternoon and evening at home. 
Cora talked my ear off all day practically.  She wanted to be my helper and she was!  ha.  

A few pictures... 
Cora's class before the fun run!
Miles for Maple Grove!

BEFORE our scare.
My shopping buddy.
See?  She's good.  ha.

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