Monday, November 6, 2017

Long Weekend/Storage Room clean-out!

I'm currently on PTO.  I took Friday off... today (Monday) and tomorrow.  And man, I'm not feeling guilty at all!  It's been a great 3 days so far... and I anticipate the rest of today and tomorrow being great as well.  And to be honest - I need it. 

Friday I spent nearly all day cleaning out the storage room.  We couldn't walk into the room... it's was out of control and just needed a good clean out.  I just started taking everything out...  vacuumed the ground, and then just started going through stuff.  I tossed a lot.  I made a "garage sale" pile, which is actually pretty small. I went through printed pictures and organized those!  I took pictures of things and sold almost all of them on FB.  It was great!  By Friday night, I was wiped out!
In the middle of the day I did step away - had lunch with Nikki, then went back to the doctor.  My ear has still been bothering me...  enough that it's annoying and I was getting a little concerned.  Doc says I have TMJ (which basically means my jaw is so tight that it's causing pain in my ear).  Weird, but kind of makes sense.  I've been tense.   So he gave me a prescription Advil that should help it out...  I'm not 100% convinced cuz it's still bothering me...  but not as bad. 

Anyway, Ryan got home from MN Friday afternoon... we did supper out... then back home to just hang out. 

Saturday was a home Iowa game - a guys day - Ryan, Mike, Lester, Doug, Steve and Larry.  I believe from stories - they had a great time...  and it was a win.  Awesome day for the guys. 

JeanAnn spent most of the day with us...  I worked on the storage room a little more in the morning, we grabbed lunch out, then did a few errands.  Kids were a challenge for me...  they want everything and whine about me saying no.  Cora literally threw herself to the floor at Target.  So that's awesome.  I get frustrated because of a few things - Christmas is coming fast, they don't need anything right now...  and I try really hard to just talk with Cora about things - trying to get her to just listen and relax.  But she doesn't... so then I get mad.  I've decided that if I get them an inch - they ask for a mile.  :(  It's just so frustrating... and embarrassing.  JeanAnn (and others) probably thinks I have no control over my kids!

Anyway, we just hung out the rest of the day...  JeanAnn headed back to Creston before it got dark.  Kids then asked if we could go to GetAir (trampoline park) - so we did.  We took the neighbor girl with us too... so a good hour of jumping.  #check!

Sunday was church... and just a day of random stuff.  My ear was bugging me... terrible headache and ear ache... so I laid low.  Ryan and Kayson got groceries, which was heaven!  (I hate the grocery store!)

It was a nice day... 

That's about it...  really glad I have a few more days off.  Tomorrow is my shopping day with my sisters, and I can't wait to spend the day with them. 

SOOOO many gift bags. And I threw about 70 away!!!

we can walk in now!!!

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