Monday, November 13, 2017


I'm realizing I am not sitting down to blog on Sundays lately... I'm just wiped out, and honestly - not much interest lately... but I can't be like that - as this is our 'journal' and how I keep track of things, and remember our activities, and ups and downs.
We stayed in.  I'm loving staying in on Fridays, as I know far too soon (with the holidays), we will be much busier, and staying in won't be that easy of an option.   We just hung out.
Cora's had a little snotty nose, and cough... however, I think it's been much better since Saturday night - Thank God for oils!!!...  so staying in was just a good option.
Ryan worked.
I did a ton of cleaning and laundry in the morning... kids and I went to the book fair at school for a bit.  I made them use their own money to purchase one book they could have now...  so that was interesting.  Cora definitely doesn't like to use money.  ha.  Anyway, picked up a few others to give for Xmas.
We had lunch at home...  then the rest of the afternoon was just hanging out as well.  We watched the terrible Iowa game...  but it was nice just being home...  Cora didn't rest, but did ok...  we kept each other busy.  Kayson was good too. 
Saturday night Ryan and I went out for dinner with friends... so that was good.
Church... and then church provided a Thanksgiving dinner for us, which was super nice... and fun.  We've gotten to know a few young couples/families and they are super great.  So it was a good extra hour or so there.
Then Olivia came over to play Sunday afternoon... for nearly 3 1/2 hours!  She wanted to play Saturday, but I just wasn't feeling it!!  So... I asked if she could play Sunday - her sister had a 4H thing and it worked out that Olivia didn't want to go... so I said she could spend the afternoon with us.  Best decision ever.  ha.  She's a good kid... and BOTH K and Cora have a ton of fun with her.  It's kind of a miracle that there is no fighting, nothing when the three of them are together.  They play, they giggle, they run.  Success. I got some stuff done... and was able to sit a bit. 
That was our weekend...  bummed as always that it was over.  Both kiddos were exhausted this morning - hard to get up and at 'em, and a little emotional tears from both of them.  I kind of felt like crying too!  ha. 
Random pics - but not many. I've got to get better at taking pics!

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