Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Random K and Cora stuff

Kayson's growing up... but has lately started this attitude thing with me.  He isn't giving me the hugs that he used to...  he's talking back more than normal.  Hmmm... not liking it.  But then he can switch on a dime and give me all of the hugs and be the sweetest.  He got this note from school last week - which I loved seeing.  It's true - he does have a kind heart (when he shows it!!!) - and is funny.  He definitely makes us laugh daily.

Cora's still a challenge for me.  I find myself saving notes on her more (and now writing them on the blog so I officially don't forget).  She's sweet, but man she's manipulative, she's feisty, she's stubborn... and emotional!  ha.

About 2 weeks ago, she thought she would try to get away with something at school.  She bit herself.  Yep.  You read that right.  :)  Bit herself, then fake cried and tattled to the teachers telling them that her friend Grant bit her.  Of course he didn't... there was probably some back and forth - and in the end, there are cameras in the room.  So the teachers and owner were able to see what actually happened...  she was punished and spoken to. 

OMG is all I have to say.  I was livid, and SUPER EMBARRASSED.  I mean, really?!?!  Ryan was the same... frustrated.  She knew she had done wrong, and we hope that doesn't happen again.
The two of them together are trouble too...  or they can be the sweetest.  And I can't nail down how I can always have them be sweet to each other!  ha.  Some nights they play so well together - and for them being opposite sex AND almost 4 year difference - we are very lucky.  They like to wrestle, they like to play hide and seek, they play restaurant (mostly with the neighbor girl), but they still do well together...

But some nights I can't even get them to sit at the table together and color or do a puzzle - they constantly bicker at each other, or fight about who gets the colors first and so on.  They'll copy each other, which is super frustrating.  They'll tattle on each other...  all sibling crap! 
They both LOVE LOVE LOVE music.  I mean - the second we are in my car - we have those songs turned up loud and they are singing their little hearts out, which makes me so happy. 
Today as we walked into school... K and I were just singing away as we walked...  a mother was walking out towards us, heard us, giggled and then said - "I love that!"  I just think it's neat...  it shows that they are happy and I'm also trying to teach them the meaning of songs - especially the Christian ones we listen to...  just makes it more special. 

Our babies.

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