Friday, July 21, 2017

Kids - Swim lessons - that's a wrap!!

We've been busy...  a busy 2 weeks.  And those two weeks went by fast. So fast.
The kids are already done with their swim lessons.  Amazing.
Kayson --- did awesome.  He's really got it down.  I can tell he's improved from last year, and then also just from the first day!
He can tread water for nearly 3 minutes!
He loves the breast stroke, does really well.
He has finally gotten the diving down - when he's sitting on his bottom, but the kneeling one is still a little tricky!
He does the back swim (there's a better word for that!) - and swims straight, where last year, he'd be super crooked!  ha.
So impressed, and thrilled that he's comfortable and doing well!
Cora --- did awesome as well.  For her not having lessons prior to this, and with her shy attitude sometimes, I just wasn't sure what was going to happen.  But she did great - she loved her teacher, she listened to her, she did everything Miss Paige asked her to do. 
She can front float.
She doesn't drink the pool water anymore (or at least not as much as she used to!)
She can do the freestyle swim fairly well - she doesn't really move, but she does it and knows the concept.
So excited for her!  We may try to get her into some more lessons this winter... more to come on that!
I have tons of videos of the kids, but they don't load here, so you just get pics!

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