Sunday, April 19, 2015


It's been a super wet weekend!  Since Saturday morning, it's rained off and on literally all weekend.  I don't mind the rain sometimes, but man - I would have enjoyed seeing a PEEK of the sun!  But we didn't.  

Friday evening we went to watch Ryan's cousin, Jenna, play in her traveling AAU basketball game.  It was in Urbandale - so no reason for us not to go!  Afterwards, we went out for ice cream.  

Saturday morning I went back to Dick's Sporting Goods TWICE, yes twice, to return/exchange baseball pants for Kayson.  Good gravy it's nearly impossible finding baseball pants for a tall, skinny kid and not have them look dorky.  ah.  They look dorky either way, but they fit him ok.  :)  Kayson had baseball pictures that morning, so him and I did that...  it was quick, which was awesome, then back home.  We got in the car, my old car now!, and headed to Creston.  We grabbed a quick lunch on the road...  and then did the trade in of my Edge to the Explorer.  It was smooth and quick - Lester had all the paperwork handled, and soon we were on the road again!  Back home.  

Cora took about a 40 minute nap on the way home... which wasn't long enough.  I need to write about her sometime... she's been a huge challenge for us lately.  There are times this weekend that Ryan and I looked at each other and asked - "What is wrong with her?!?!"  Lots of meltdowns, talking back and being 2 1/2.  I guess that's probably our answer.  

Anyway, Saturday night we stayed in - ordered pizza and let Kayson watch a movie.  

Today we all went to the grocery store, then out for El Rodeo lunch and back home to stay in from more rain.  Ryan and Kayson went to watch Jenna play again this afternoon... Cora is resting... I've done a load of laundry, and ironed... now sitting.  It's even thundering, which is kind of weird in the afternoon!  I should be taking a nap!  :)

It was a good weekend...  just rainy!!  

Tucked in for the movie.
Snugglin' with K's monkey.

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