Monday, April 20, 2015

This & That

  • I heart my new car.  EEk.  This morning, driving Kayson to school... then to work... I was excited, and nervous.  "Stay out of my way people!!!"  ha.   I joke - I didn't go fast at all... I totally enjoyed the drive, but I did want people to stay away!  
  • My sciatic nerve has been flaring up for about a week now...  this is normal for me, but it did seem a little more 'out of control' over the past couple days.  I got into the chiropractor this afternoon...  she adjusted me and sent me on my way.  It does feel better... hoping tomorrow I can make it through an entire meeting without standing. 
  • I've had a terrible headache tonight... I believe it was a start of a little migraine actually.  My eyes were really sensitive to the light.  I actually just layed on the couch and rested my eyes... for about an hour.  Ryan kept Kayson busy, which was super nice.
  • Cora and I had yet another struggle tonight when we got home.  She's gotten back to trying to hit... mostly me.  We had pulled into the garage... Kayson wanted out fast, he had to go poop.  So he tried getting past her, she kicked her legs out and was pretty much pushing on him.  I told her to stop and let K through.  I got K out... and she proceeded to scream and attempt to hit me several times.  I got her out and I put her in her room... she cried and screamed for about 15 minutes.  I honestly don't know what to do anymore.  She is only this way around me...  and I'm her Mom.  I can't just walk away... I can't just ignore this...  :(  Makes me sad.  
  • Ryan's been walking at night time...  it's been good for him.  I've been trying to do some small weights and exercises too, which I've enjoyed.  I just need to keep at it. 
  • Kayson's been pretty good for us lately.  Tonight he played really well with Ryan...  and just really wanted to be with us, and not have Cora around.  Man, I don't blame him. 

1 comment:

  1. I can honestly say Presley used to be and still is like this with me, not so much with Steve. I'm thinking it must be a mother/daughter thing....but for both of us, I hope not and hope it is just a phase they will quickly grow out of!
