Monday, February 9, 2015


Well the weekend is over... and so is Monday, pretty much.  Amazing how those few days fly by.

Friday evening we met up with our friends, Heidi & Chris and their little boy for supper... we hit up El Rodeo for some yummy food and lots of chaos from my kids.  Kayson was tired - he wanted to leave pretty much the second he was done eating (which he didn't eat that well).  Cora wouldn't sit still (does that surprise you?!)  She wanted to sit by Kayson, then she wanted to sit by me... or on my lap.  She was up and down off her chair at least 30 times.  Chris and Ryan sat at the end of the table not even noticing any of this!  haha.   :)  Anyway, we left there, then headed to their house.  I needed to actually have an adult conversation and we were hoping the kids would play.  And they did.  They did pretty darn well.  We had a nice time with them, and next time - no kids.  :)

Saturday we just hung out most of the day...  playing inside, even got outside in the snow and just hung out.  After Cora's nap, we headed to Pella to watch Colby play ball.  He did great and it was a good win to watch, I'm glad we've gotten to see him a couple times.  I like supporting him.  We did dinner out with some of the family, which was fun too.  It was a nice afternoon and evening.

Sunday Mike & JeanAnn visited for a bit - did lunch out, then they watched Kayson play basketball that afternoon.  I stayed home with Cora while she rested.  Basketball is a new session now - so it's mostly just scrimmaging, which from what I hear is - mass chaos.  Typical, and totally expected.  Again, Kayson likes it, so it's worth it in my eyes.  Hopefully he's learning something!

So it was a nice weekend...  I got my camera out too, so here are some pics.

Anywhere she can watch a movie... she's in.  Even if it does only last 2 minutes.
Cute Snow Bunny.

I'm not sure.  :)
We tried sledding...

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