Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Getting Organized

With the start of Kindergarten, we are realizing that there is A LOT to remember and keep track of.  I know it's all new to us, and it will soon be all routine and 'normal', but for now, there's a lot to remember.  Ryan suggested us using a calendar for some of the stuff... so I've updated an online calendar for us.  We need to remember things like: when to take a Library book back (so he can check out another one!), when it's his turn to do snacks, check his folder every night... things like that.  

Tonight was Curriculum Night - a parents only meeting with the teacher.  Ryan's out of town, so I contacted a sitter.  We debated me going or not, but I'm glad I went.  I really like his teacher - and getting to talk with her without children distractions is nice... and I really, really enjoy hearing about what she does, plans to do and all the things the kids will learn this year.  I'm so intrigued by it and I can't wait to see how much MORE Kayson learns and grows.  It's very exciting. 

We learned about the children's day - morning routine, afternoon routine.  We learned about the books they will start to read - yes, read!  They'll introduce math, science... and of course, reading and writing.  It's all just amazing.  

Anyway, I feel as of now, there's a lot to keep track of... so I'm writing stuff down in my purse calendar, then the online one too.  We'll see how it works for us!  

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