Thursday, July 24, 2014

Kindergarten in 3 Weeks

Yes, you read it right...  our son will be in Kindergarten in 3 weeks.  THREE WEEKS.  EEEEEk.  I remember thinking about all of this about a year ago...  then more when he 'graduated' from Pre School...  and now even more - like every evening!  

We ordered school supplies through the school...  they offer this, so we actually don't have to go out and buy all the random stuff (and ensure that we get exactly what they expect).  I thought this was a great idea - with a click of a button, it was done...  I don't have to worry about it.  But now I'm thinking - maybe we should have went school supply shopping so Kayson would have known what it was like and all that...!??!!  Uh, bad parents moment?!  I don't know?  

He needs some new clothes...  or at least some for the fall.  He definitely needs new shoes (this kid tears up shoes!)  So this weekend we are going to do a little shopping.   Along with that, I think we just need to sit down with him and explain some more to him.  Gosh I hope this goes well!  

Along with those thoughts tonight, we go to San Diego in a week.  I am really excited about it, now that it's closer, but I also have lots to do/prep for.  I want to make sure everything is handled and organized for the kids (and for my sister and Ryan's parents).  I'm a planner, and you can't take that away from me!  ha.  :) 

So...  we have this weekend somewhat 'free', next weekend we'll be in San Diego, then the following weekend we'll be wrapping stuff up for a big week for Kayson... and planning for Cora's birthday party... and probably just snuggling with our kids!  Why does the time go so fast?!

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