Sunday, May 18, 2014


Garage sale for 9 hours.  It wasn't nearly the success as I was hoping.  The weather was pretty crappy until about 4pm.  (not ideal).  I did sell some stuff, but man, I still have stuff left.  I have taken three large totes to a consignment shop to see if I can get some money for that.  (I'll find out tomorrow).   Anyway, following the long day...  we got all the kids together (us, Nielsen's and Carpenter's).  We had pizza and enjoyed a beautiful evening!  The kids did awesome... played hard... and crashed hard! 

K got his hair cut first thing.  We then spent nearly the entire day outside...  it was beautiful.  Kayson did really well all day...  we skipped nap for him, and it was a success.  Ryan kept him busy with stuff outside... and helping with random things too.  Cora did really well too (a great long nap for her)... and tons of outside time.  We all got some 'sun' - Kayson's already got a nice tan on his face and neck!  

Ryan's parents purchased a fire pit for us for our anniversary... so we tried that out Saturday night.  It wasn't a great success, but it was fun trying.  Nicky and Avery spent most of the evening hanging out with us.  K and Aves played great.  It was a great night at home. 

I think after such a busy day on Saturday (and just being outside 95% of the day) - we were all exhausted.  I woke up around 7:30...  tossed and turned for awhile...  actually felt like I had been hit by a truck!  I was pooped, but got up and just had some quiet time.  Cora woke around 8:10 and Kayson not til 8:45!!!  Unbelievable!  :)  I got groceries out of the way...  we played outside...  I did laundry...  a Target run... and more time outside.  Another great day for the kids.  

Ryan was off work last week, so he's back to work tomorrow... and me too.  I was hoping I would feel refreshed after the 3 day weekend, but I'm not.  I'm tired... so I am hoping I get a good nights sleep.  

Here are some fun pictures from the weekend!
On the neighbors Batman car.  Funny.
Bennett, Kayson & Avery
The kids 'helping' Daddy do some yard work.
I have nothing to say - but cute. :)
Helping Dad plant stuff.
Nicky helping roast marshmallows.
We got the sand box out - Cora enjoyed it!

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