Thursday, December 10, 2009

Neighbors & Crawling

We have a neighbor that is a life-saver, according to Ryan. He has a kick-a## snowblower, again - according to Ryan - he helped out all of the homes on the block - just 4 families, but that's a lot when it's 16 inches of snow and fairly long driveways. Ryan was very thankful (as I am too), and he also got to meet the guys on the block. So that's nice. I'm anxious to meet the girls on the block - I know their names, but that's it. We didn't get really 'dug' out until this morning around 6:30. The plow made one swipe around 4:00 (I think).

It was nice to be at home yesterday... and Buster has been slowly getting up on those knees to crawl, so that's been fun. I got it on video, but had a hell of a time uploading it last night... so I'll just tell you about it! He does really well going from his tummy to sitting up, and now that he can get up on those knees - he slowly scoots each leg/knee... it's so darn cute! He won't come see us if we tell him to 'Come here' - but if we show him something he shouldn't have - he goes right after it! Why is that??! ha.

He's also feeling better - finally! The only thing now is getting him to sleep soundly through the night again. Those two weeks, we were up a lot in the night... now I'm afraid he's getting 'use' to that. I'm not going to lie - I'm sore from lifting him in and out of his crib. We have the crib as low as it'll go and he's heavy and my back hurts!!!

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