Monday, October 10, 2022

Teen stuff... so difficult to navigate

Kayson is officially a teen...  nearing 14 years old, and it is showing.  I'm only writing this stuff down to keep track of things and my Momma thoughts.  I'm guessing I won't forget really how I have felt through all of this, but felt I needed to write it down.  That's good for the soul, right?

Kayson is a good kid, which we are very thankful for.  He has good friends (who have good parents), he likes to do normal kid stuff - sports, fishing, video games, and be on his phone the remaining time!  All normal, and all ok.  I don't feel like we have to worry about drugs or getting in trouble at school, or causing issues with friends, or even being peer pressured.  So I know we are lucky, and I thank God for that every day. 

The part of having a teen that's the hardest is - the lack of communication.  Again, all normal, but I don't have to like it.  Kayson spends a lot of time with friends... or on his phone...  limiting the time he spends with us.  This weekend (Saturday afternoon) - he was with his buddy all day/spent the night too...  which is great...  Sunday he was pretty much 'busy' all day - fishing, hanging with neighbors, etc.  Again, it's ok, but sometimes it triggers this Momma heart to be sad.  And Sunday I was sad.  I cried and cried... even explained to him that I wish he would spend more time with me.  His response was "I want to spend time with my friends."  Talk about a dagger to the heart.  

In addition, we got his grades for school...  not terrible, but he can do better.  We know that, he knows that.  He's just got to make it a priority.  Everything kind of domino-ed... as he went to bed, Ryan kind of 'chatted' with him, but him and Ryan butt heads.  Ryan is definitely not 'soft' with Kayson, which I don't expect him to be...  but again, navigating Kayson and teen life is hard... and not exactly sure what's the best way to talk with him.  

I then talked with Kayson and just explained that we love him so much and we just want to spend time with him.  We need him to be responsible and work hard at school.  We need him to talk with us. We just need him.  And of course, we cried and cried.  Kayson did not say much at all...  just tears fell and he looked at him.  That's the hardest part - he doesn't talk much, and I just want to know what he's thinking.  Maybe his thinking "you are so annoying Mom!!"  I don't know.  

Anyway...  just a little 'baby book' note to remember how life was in 2022!!  We love that boy so much and know he has so much potential!!  

I'm sure more to come on that kid. 

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