Thursday, October 27, 2022

Kayson - Passing out :(

This morning, I got a phone call from the school nurse saying that Kayson passed out in class. I rushed there to pick him up...  

Story - he was standing with a group of kids for class (working on something), he said that he started to not feel well, like his stomach hurt.  He went to the teacher to ask for a pass to the nurse, and he doesn't remember anything after that.  He passed out.  He unfortunately hit his head/eyebrow on something... unsure if it was a desk, wall, floor...  but he's got a red bump.  

His blood pressure was low... which is normal...  and he was pale/gray according to the nurse.  He went through the sweating/hot stage, to being cold.  He had his color back when I arrived at school. 

When we got home, he just chilled...  seemed ok.  I was hovering over him... and he gave me no indication that something worse was wrong or anything else was going to happen.  He wasn't hungry...  just tired.  So Kayson rested for a while. 

The rest of the day went on...  he was ok...  not too talkative, but a little sassy.  So I'm guessing he's ok.  ha. 

I did call the doctor, and talked to my sister...  both said, he didn't need to be seen, unless this happens again.  They both gave me the impression that this is common unfortunately... so we just need to keep on top of things and make sure he's eating ok and drinking.  (so easy to do with a teen right?!?!?)

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