Friday, December 25, 2020

Kayson's 12th birthday!!

Merry Christmas, 2020!  But more importantly, it's Kayson's 12th birthday.  WHAT?  How in the world has it been 12 years?!  
He woke happy, and so ready for his day...  as he should!  
We celebrated at home, just us 4 (and Boomer), and it was a great day for Kayson.  And that's all that matters!

His favorite gift (for Christmas) was a cell phone.  Yes, a phone.  What the heck?  Again, how did this happen?  He has been asking for one for about a year... and we have pushed it off for this long, and did well at it too!  Finally, it just made sense, and it's completely fine.  He's responsible enough and knows how to take care of stuff like that... so I'm not worried about that.  I just don't like that it's ANOTHER electronic!  But it's ok - he's 12, he's a kid, and we made him super happy!

Some basics about this kid:
  • Weighs about 82 pounds, maybe
  • Height - not exactly sure, but getting tall!
  • Been working out - he's been going to Acceleration Iowa twice a week to work on speed and endurance, and some weights.  We are excited to see him grow in that!
  • LOVES electronics.  I mean - seriously, he's got it all.
  • Has a funny sense of humor.
  • He's a good kid in school and to others, which is important to us.
  • Loves to sleep with ALL the blankets and clothes...  I would be sweating!  
  • He is a typical older brother - loves Cora, but hates her at the same time.  They do pretty well with each other.
He will celebrate with a few friends in January.
Happy 12th birthday Kayson Michael.  We are so blessed to have you as our son!!

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